Please select the bouquet of your preference. Most of the flowers are available throughout the year, if you have in mind a specific bouquet, please send us the picture and we will gladly make it.



It is a distinguished detail for the Groom, Father, Uncles, etc. It can be made with one or two flowers. It can also be a very simple design or something more decorative. The groom usually wears something very special that matches the bride´s bouquet, and the best man and maid of honor wear something simpler.


The Maids of Honor usually carry something with flowers, which is a complement to the bride´s bouquet. These can be a small version of the bouquet or something different, for example, a small bouquet, a small basket with flowers, a purse with flowers or a flower bouquet on the wrist. There are many possibilities to make your Maid of Honor special.



It is the perfect complement for any member of the family, including Mothers, Grandmothers and Aunts. The corsages are made out of many different flowers. These tend to combine with the bride´s bouquet, are bigger than the boutonniere and can be placed in different parts of the body like the shoulder, wrist, hip or ankle; but the most usual place is the lapel.


The headpiece is made with one or two flowers, which are the complement of the bride´s bouquet. The following gallery shows some examples of all the headpieces that we make; however, we can make the one you desire.